Thursday 27 August 2009

Newday Global

A little word about where all this money is going.
Newday Global is a youth mission week ran by Newfrontiers. Basically, a bunch of missional teenagers are sent into foreign countries, and spend the week doing evangelism in various forms.
Their site is
As I have a strong calling to go to Japan from God, I want to go on this to get myself used to what it is like to speak to people in a foreign country.
BUT I need to fork out £600 to pay for flights, food and accommodation.
So I need to raise some money for it.

A quick point for any people giving me money towards this: If I don't get to go on Global, because I am suddenly severely injured, have a change of faith, have my criminal history discovered, the money will instead go to Mr Bells Blue chairs movement that raises money for Cure Lukemia (

Crazy things

This is one idea I had for a fundraiser, and it will be hosted here. (so all the totals paid for will be listed, as will videos of said crazy things)
You, and people from my school, can sponsor me to do various crazy things.
The way it works is this.
People suggest to me, either in person or in comments, ideas for what they would sponsor me to do. I will then filter them for ones that don't break my personal moral code, which I may post up here later, and then either I will set a price, or, if there are enough people going on this blog, you can vote for a price, that has to be paid before I will do that.
People then give me money and specify what they want that money to go towards, and when the price is reached, I do the thing.

So, any suggestions?
Right, This blog is where all my fundraising Ideas shall be gathered, and exposed to the public to be rated. Any paying will have to be done to me personally, as I'm not in a position to set up a web donations thing ATM. Any help on that front would be most appreciated.